这PA 不是公关的PA噢~~~
小流氓没有想不开 去做这些"伤害"到他人的事
这PA是 Production Assitant 的意思
她今天打来 说有一份 月薪RM1800 每个Job 加RM500
嗯..... 可是时间可能就没那么多 那么自由了
但是 这绝对是迈向小流氓的梦想的第一步
应该换吗? 应该去尝试吗?
如果还有人不明白什么是 Production Assitant...... 以下是例子

算是娱乐圈的一份子吧 因为这间 Production公司是专做广告的
想听听 大家的意见
小流氓 应该去吗?
5 条评论:
Go! i support. as long as salary enough to eat and survive. go ahead! learn more skills, coz i know u won't be doing the same thing till old! unless u wan form own business to compete with ur current company!
jme: I thought 匿名 is you tim..... >.<
but.... is not comfirm need staff yet... somemore after today chat wit fer, I'm thinking want take his challenge try 1st.... ^^
hahaha.. btw, he said u are the first 1? lolx.. before you, got another guy take up his challenge ad.. Fer is so gud in brain washing!
jme: Mayb I'm really need someone to "wash" my brain.... instead of thinking of my dream.... anyway, I will give myself till CNY, we'll see how good is fer~~~~